The Devil wears Prada... et en face de mon bureau

Publié le par Dolce

The Devil wears Prada a tourne une scene juste en face de mon bureau au Mayrose Diner... Comme je suis une fille sympa et pas une copieuse, vous pouvez aller voir une des photos du tournage sur le site flick...

The Devil Wears What?
Henry Novelo was on Broadway, barking instructions into a wireless headset, when a film technician suddenly materialized and asked him to move out of the shot.
What shot?
The Devil Wears Prada was filming across the street and the crew wasted no time in disrupting the daily routine of the poor suckers working much more unglamorously in the Flatiron district on a Monday afternoon. Unconcerned, the delectable Adrian Grenier and princess Anne Hathaway were seated inside the Mayrose café, doing their scene.
The technician asked pedestrians gawking at the flashing lights and equipment to look away from the flashing lights and equipment. Office-drone smokers were acceptable, but could not look at the cameras.
“What movie is it?” demanded Mr. Novelo.
The Devil Wears Prada.
Citation recuperee sur le site du New York Observer (qui est aussi dans mon building, 5 etages plus bas).
J'ai vu ca au cinoche ce week-end et ca m'a fait tout bizarre de voir la facade orange de Punch, le resto juste a cote de l'entree de mon building, et l'entree de mon building aussi, avec le "915" qui est bien visible !

Publié dans La Dolce Vita

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